i Cubed Systems, Inc.

Our Services

Our Services

i Cubed Systems offers long-term and stable services, including
its main product "CLOMO" to a wide range of corporate customers.

Main services

It's a standard, CLOMO MDM.

clomo mdm

CLOMO MDM services includes manages information leakage measures, applies the device usage rules, monitors status, etc for mobile devices such as smart-phones, tablets, and PCs. MDM services are introduced to companies, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, etc. when they start using mobile devices. Above all, CLOMO MDM has the top Japanese MDM market share* for 14 consecutive years.

*Source: Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Economic Research Institute Co. Ltd. "Market Outlook of Collaboration/Contents & Mobile Management Package Software (https://mic-r.co.jp/mr/00755/ )," FY2011-2013 shipment value, "MDM Own Brand Market (MIC IT Report Dec. https://mic-r.co.jp/micit/2024/ )" Shipment value in FY2014-2023 and forecast shipment value in FY2024

Business apps for accelerated mobile utilization

clomo secured apps

These application services, including mail, contact list, access to the internal intranet, etc. are provided with security functions that mitigate risks when handling confidential information on mobile devices. Basic apps such as browser, mailer, calendar, address book, and file sharing are provided.